Lawns and landscapes provide many benefits to society and the planet. Essential to our existence are some basics like food, air, & water. When you decide to have a landscape in your backyard, it’s not only you or your family that can benefit from it. Having a landscape will surely be a challenging one cause you also need to maintain it, but, you can actually think that it is also a selfless act you can do to our environment while of course adding some curb appeal to your backyard.
Planning to have a landscape requires time and effort. That is why, you also need to get the best professional individuals that can help you with it. Milledgeville Landscaping Pros, is one of the top landscape contractors in Georgia and they will definitely help you with your landscape needs.
Moreover, the way we manage and design our landscapes has a direct impact on the three reasons below. Let’s take a closer look at three ways your landscape is making an impact on the planet:
- Your Lawn is an Air Filter
Did you know that within a 10,000 square foot lawn there are about 8 million grass plants? Some estimates suggest that grass traps up to 12 million tons of dust and dirt from the air annually. Grass also absorbs smoke and sulfur dioxide helping to reduce ozone. Turfgrass is an excellent filter for removing many pollutants. In addition, grass takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and replaces it with oxygen. A 50’ x 50’ area of healthy lawn is estimated to produce enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four. Trees and shrubs also covert carbon dioxide to oxygen making all plants critical to clean air. By maintaining and fostering a healthy lawn and landscape you are purifying the air saving our planet in the meantime.
- Your Landscape is a Water Filter Ideal Soil pH Levels
Another way lawns and landscape keep our planet healthy is through the conservation and filtering of water. Lawns have an extensive root system making turfgrass superb at reducing erosion and controlling runoff. The turfgrass root system also can trap and hold rainfall reducing water loss. In fact, when you promote a healthy lush lawn, soil microbes are enhanced. These act as filters to capture and break down many types of pollutants. Your lawn and landscape is really a protective shield keeping our water clean! The more vegetation you provide the cleaner the air and water become. As an added benefit studies at Texas A & M demonstrated that heavily vegetated landscape and lawns can reduce surface temperatures pretty significantly. So, you can actually provide some air conditioning by maintaining a healthy landscape. You will never sweat again!
- Your Landscape sustains the Ecosystem
Not only do our landscapes and lawns provide clean air and water but they also help feed the planet. Without pollinators much of our food supply would vanish. By planting native trees, shrubs, and perennials we provide a habitat that supports pollinators. Spring flowering trees like crabapple, cherry, and redbud support early pollinators. Native perennials like bee balm, aster, cone flower, & milkweed supply nectar for many native bees throughout the Summer. Your beautiful plantings help to sustain the food supply we are dependent upon each day. You can make a difference.
In summary we can do much with our lawn and landscapes no matter how big or small. Everyone makes a difference. Put some quality time into your landscape and help save the planet in the process. Happy planting!